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Government Of Assam Panchayat & Rural Development


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100 Days Action Plan

Friday, May 20, 2016 to Wednesday, August 31, 2016 Location:Assam

100 Days Action Plan: Department of Panchayat & Rural Development (as on 29/08/2016)
Sl. No. Department Item Deliverable Achievement Status Achievement in percentage
7 Panchayat & Rural Development 1 Leveraging e-commerce to facilitate marketing of products made by rural artisans and craftsman. Techno Economic Feasibility Report will be finalised. 1.      ASRLMS signed a MoU with NEDFi, Guwahati, on 24th June’16 to study the feasibility of leveraging E-Commerce platform for marketing the products of rural artisans.                                 2.      The study has been completed on 8th August’16                                                                        3. Draft final report has ben submitted by NEDFi on 20th August, 2016. 100% Achievement
2 Facilitating availability of microfinance to 500 individual members of SHGs under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana Till date, 550 individual members of different SHGs have been sanctioned, loan amounting to 268.83 Lakh, under PMMY. This is independent of credit linkage provided to SHGs under NRLM 100% of the target has been achieved.
3 Capitalization of 7,000 Nos. of SHGs through Revolving Fund amounting to Rs.10.50 Cr.  Revolving Fund to 7614 No. of SHGs (approximately to 76140 SHG members) released, amounting to Rs. 10.26 cr. 97.71% of the target has been achieved.
4 (a)Capitalization of SHGs/ Village Organizations(VOs) by providing Community Investment Fund (CIF) amounting to Rs.8.00 Cr.  (a) Community Investment Fund (CIF) amount released to amounting to Rs. 10.17 Cr.                                      127.12% of the target has been achieved.                                
  (b) Promotion of one Producers Collective One producers’ cooperative viz. Sualkuchi Nabajagaran Mahila Sipini Samiti has been formed with 100 members. Draft bylaws have been framed and sent to Judicial Deptt. Govt. of Assam, for vetting. 100% of the target has been achieved.
5 (a)Financial Assistance (as VO Start Up cost) to 150 Village Organizations amounting to Rs. 37.00 Lakh.  Financial Assistance (as Village Organization Start up Cost) has been released to 573 Village Organizations (VOs) amounting to Rs.1.43 Cr 386% of the target has been achieved.
Sl. No. Department Item Deliverable Achievement Status Achievement in percentage
7 Panchayat & Rural Development 6 Establishment of 40 nos. of Bagan Bazars in tea garden areas to ensure availability of nutritious food items for tea garden workers. (i)       Forty sites are finalized for Second Phase of Bagan Bazar from 13 districts, 20 intensive blocks and 2 non- intensive blocks.                                       (ii)     Three SHG members each, from the 40 selected SHGs, were trained at Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE), Guwahati on Entrepreneurship and Retail Skill Training.             (iii)    11 Bagan Bazars have already been ceremoniously inaugurated by Hon’ble Ministers/Deputy Commissioners till date. Some of the photos of inauguration have been placed.           (iv)   Inauguration of 24 Bagan Bazars will be completed by 31st August’16. Rest 5 will be opened within September’16. Due to some or other issues, civil works of these 5 Bagan Bazars is delayed. 27.5% of the target has been achieved as on 29th August, 2016 (Till 31st August, 2016, 35 nos. of Bagan Bazars will be opened. The percentage of achievement till 31st August, 2016 will be 87.5%. Within 15th Sept'16, 100% acheievement will be made.
7 SIRD will impart  training courses on IT skill / Software development and in other fields covering officials, functionaries of  Panchayats and unemployed youth :-   A. Against the target of imparting training to 45000 persons, the SIRD, Assam has so far imparted training to 47208 persons as on 29th August, 2016.                                                            
                                                                                                       B. Against the target of assisting 2500 persons, the institute so far assisted 1600 youth in 517 JLGs. Amount of credit Rs. 1193.34 lakhs. Govt. subsidy Rs. 497.48 lakhs
A. 105 % training programme completed.                                                            B. 64% training programme completed.
A. Total participants to be covered- 45000 persons
B. Total beneficiaries to be assisted- 2500 persons
8 Plantation of 10 lakh Plants under MGNREGA. 10.23 lakhs trees have been planted. The plantation is monitored through progress reports submitted by DRDAs and also through http://asssamtrees.in 100 % targets has been achieved.
Sl. No. Department Item Deliverable Achievement Status Achievement in percentage
7 Panchayat & Rural Development 9 Digital Gaon Panchayat will be launched in Khetri GP Digital Gaon Panchayat – Divided into 3 components:                                                            a. Enabling of Wi-Fi for citizens.                                   b. Infrastructure development of the GP Offices.           c. Training to citizens (Continuous process)                 Khetri Gaon Panchayat may be launched as the first Digital Gaon Panchayat of Assam. Infrastructure has already been put in place, and the training programs has already started. The public access of Internet over WiFi can be started from the date of launch.                                                                        Under the program Citizens will be provided free trainings to use computers, access to e-commerce platforms and access to e-services platforms. 100% work is completed, the services will be available from the day of launch.
    10 Online Public Grievance Redressal System will be introduced. The software has been developed and tested. It is being deployed in the State Data Centre (AEDCL) and would be available for public access in existing website http://pnrdassam.nic.in and the new website developed under ePrastuti http://pnrd.assam.gov.in
Using this software Citizen will be able to lodge grievances/complaint related to Panchayat & Rural Development Department from anywhere over internet. The grievances will be forwarded to respective Deputy Commissioner of the districts to which the complainant belongs. The Deputy Commissioners will initiate action/enquiry as required and will get the ATRs updated online which can be seen by the complainant. Panchayat & Rural Development Department will monitor and analyse each and every complaint, and take necessary action accordingly. Going further the software will be made multi-lingual to accommodate local languages. 
100% of the woork is completed. The software will be live from 1st September, 2016.