Objectives of an e-Panchayat initiative is to strengthen e-Governance in Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in the State and build associated capacities of the PRIs for effective
Captures receipt & expenditure details through voucher entries and automatically generates cash book, registers, utilization certificates etc.Website: http://accountingonline.gov.in
Dynamic Website for each Panchayat to share information in public domain.
Website: http://panchayatportals.gov.in
Provides the information regarding local governments in public domain.
Website: http://lgdirectory.gov.in
Assists Panchayats in preparation of Annual Action Plans (GPDP).Also includes separate dashboards for monitoring preparation and implementation of GPDP and &progress of release and utilization of FFC funds.
Website: http://planningonline.gov.in
Facilitates monitoring of physical & financial outcomes/outputs under various programmes.
Website: http://reportingonline.gov.in
Captures geographic, demographic, infrastructural, socio-economic and natural resources profile of a village/panchayat.
Website: http://areaprofiler.gov.in
Captures details of assets created/ maintained; helps avoid duplication of works and provide for O&M Asset has also been introduced.
Website: http://assetdirectory.gov.in